Sunday, August 31, 2008

Any Ideas?

So I know you have all been waiting on the edge of your seats for this baby to come, right? Lol! Ok so maybe just me, but anywho, I have an appointment to be induced at 6:00 in the morning on Wednesday. So here is the problem...6:00 a.m.? I don't think anything on my body, including my uterus can function that early in the morning, so thismorning I figured I would try anything except for that caster oil stuff to get her out sooner. So if anyone has ANY ideas that would be fabulous. Otherwise I guess Wednesday could work to. Thanks guys!


Kohler said...

I swear by low-impact exercise - an eliptical, treadmill, or just serious walking around the block. But you have to put the time in - as long as you can stand, but no less than 30 minutes for a day or so. I've scheduled both my kids' deliveries and both babies came over a week before scheduled. But of course, that's not scientific research. Good luck!

Katey said...

OK, I am totally going to be crude. So.

Mike has been gone for 4 months that = no sex.

He's home for a week before the baby comes.

And then baby comes that = no sex.

Then Mike leaves for another 3 months and that = no sex.

I am going to have to go with the natural remedy of sex, for the simple purpose of only 1 WEEK OF SEX! So stop typing and start doing! (Sorry folks but really!)

Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

I am going to concure with both Kristen and Katey on this one. I am told that not only a little sex will due, but it has to be a serious amount. I know, I know, really that is probably that last thing a woman who is about to drop a baby wants to do, but it is suppose to work. Other than that, walking, walking and my dad suggests 'curb' walking. One foot in the street, one foot on the curb. Good Luck Erin, can't wait to hear the news.

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