Saturday, September 13, 2008

Grandpa and Grandma Bailey

Mike's Dad and Stepmom got here yesterday and will be here just for a few short days. They came over for dinner and my parents brought over some chinese food. It was so good to see Liam and Carrie. The kids were so excited and checked out the window every five seconds to see if they were here yet. When they finally got here Ryan got so excited, my dad was blocking his way out of the kitchen and instead of waiting for him to move Ry ran all the way around the table just to get to them. Then of course they had to show them the bedrooms and every single toy that they own. Ryan got dressed in his Buzz Lightyear costume from last year and wore it for the rest of the night. It was pretty fun. Today Mike took the kids and met his Dad and Carrie at the mall so Paige and I are just Chillin at home for awhile.

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