Thursday, October 23, 2008

I need to vent!!!

So just now I was working in this book with Morg that is supposed to help them learn to read. Well I'm trying to do more lessons a day with her so we can get to the part where she is actually learning words. Well she is like me and gets bored with it super fast. So today I just wanted her to write some "e"s on a paper. Here is how are conversation went...

"k Morg trace my 'e' then write your own on the rest of the line. No, no that a 'g'.

Morg: Why can't you just write them for me?

Me: Because then you won't learn it and I already know it, just write 4 good e's for me.

Morgan: What goodies, ha ha ha?

Me: just finish the line so we can move on to 't'

Morgan: Well I want to cancel this lesson.

Me: We can't cancel the lesson. Just finish the e's and we will be done

Aggg! I was so frustrated and it took like a half hour just to get through these tiny lessons! I seriously can't believe my mom never killed me, because I know I was way worse, I didn't negotiate out of things I scrame and threw fits.


Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

Erin! We are feeling your pain man!
I am assuming you are using the 'How to teach a child to read in 100 easy lessons'. We have that book and I have found I have to just not let carter know we are doing it or he is not motivated at all. I just took a class on how child learn to read and how they process things. If you go look at a sheet of something written in a foreign language that is what they are seeing when they look at English. We could only do one lesson a day with carter. Sometimes two if we were having a really good day, but I found I was more pushy than I should have been. Learning to read takes years, not 100 lessons is what I found. Keep at it and know that I have had about that exact same conversation about 100 times. :)I have also decided that I made it through ok with reading, so they must catch on sometime!

Swain Family said...

I can't relate just yet, but we are getting there pretty soon! So I feel for ya! lol! Hollie is probably right though, she will get it eventually! :) And where did you get these lessons from? I should probably be looking into this stuff! ...We are on 2000, so that probably was our house you saw! I can't believe you are so close! We should try to plan a play date or something, I know Angie would want to and probably Denise too! Let me know!

Christina said...

You've been tagged! Check out my blog under "Crazy 8's" to see what you need to do.

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