So just now I was working in this book with Morg that is supposed to help them learn to read. Well I'm trying to do more lessons a day with her so we can get to the part where she is actually learning words. Well she is like me and gets bored with it super fast. So today I just wanted her to write some "e"s on a paper. Here is how are conversation went...
"k Morg trace my 'e' then write your own on the rest of the line. No, no that a 'g'.
Morg: Why can't you just write them for me?
Me: Because then you won't learn it and I already know it, just write 4 good e's for me.
Morgan: What goodies, ha ha ha?
Me: just finish the line so we can move on to 't'
Morgan: Well I want to cancel this lesson.
Me: We can't cancel the lesson. Just finish the e's and we will be done
Aggg! I was so frustrated and it took like a half hour just to get through these tiny lessons! I seriously can't believe my mom never killed me, because I know I was way worse, I didn't negotiate out of things I scrame and threw fits.
Erin! We are feeling your pain man!
I am assuming you are using the 'How to teach a child to read in 100 easy lessons'. We have that book and I have found I have to just not let carter know we are doing it or he is not motivated at all. I just took a class on how child learn to read and how they process things. If you go look at a sheet of something written in a foreign language that is what they are seeing when they look at English. We could only do one lesson a day with carter. Sometimes two if we were having a really good day, but I found I was more pushy than I should have been. Learning to read takes years, not 100 lessons is what I found. Keep at it and know that I have had about that exact same conversation about 100 times. :)I have also decided that I made it through ok with reading, so they must catch on sometime!
I can't relate just yet, but we are getting there pretty soon! So I feel for ya! lol! Hollie is probably right though, she will get it eventually! :) And where did you get these lessons from? I should probably be looking into this stuff! ...We are on 2000, so that probably was our house you saw! I can't believe you are so close! We should try to plan a play date or something, I know Angie would want to and probably Denise too! Let me know!
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